
Thursday, August 31, 2006

It Didn't Work!

Dang-it! All I got out of it was one lousy day--although I did enjoy it if only for a day. Yep, the gas tank on the motorcycle is leaking, again. I put it back together on Monday, rode it to work on Tuesday, and woke up Wednesday to the smell of gasoline in the garage. Completely new holes this time, even though the recent repair was supposed to fix the old holes and keep new ones from forming. GRRR. I won't give up though. I want this thing to run! (more than a day, more like 3 months would be good, at least) I still have a chance at a tank on eBay tonight and maybe another one this weekend if tonight's doesn't work out. I may pull out the JB Weld again and plug the new holes to gain me another couple of days riding too. Keep your fingers crossed.

Monday, August 28, 2006

It Works!

And it doesn't leak all over the floor. My motorcycle, that is. It's been down and out since sometime in early June (maybe even May--so long I'm not even sure when). Yes, I do have a motorcycle. I got it last November but didn't get it running until April. It had a minor gas leak that I fixed and then it had a bad gas leak in May or June and has sat in various states of repair since then. Now it's fixed and it doesn't leak and I'm giddy with anticipation. By the way, I've heard lots of bikers use the word "giddy". And I'm sure I've seen it used multiple times in all of those colorful t-shirts that you always see for Sturgis, like the one that says "If you can read this, then the bit..." Maybe that one's not a good example. Anyway, here's a picture of me and my bike--which is a Honda and not a Harley. It matches my car. I'm so 'not' a hardcore biker.

Don't I look hot on that bike? I had just finished working on it, so the bike was hot from running for a while and the sun was really bright, and hot. I was hot just sitting on it. Ohhh, you didn't think I meant "hot" did you? Ha, ha. That's the kind of humor you can expect from me. I thought it was funny. Now, if I could just find more of those decals for my car...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Every day is crazy

I've noticed that some bloggers out there (not thinking of anyone in particular, if you're feeling guilty) update their blogs everyday. Whaaa? I guess maybe "Wow, you go blogger!" is a better response. I hope no-one expects that from me. I'm sure it's something in the air in my house...

Jennifer, Katie and I went to Powell Gardens on Saturday. If you live in Kansas City and even remotely like plants, the outdoors, or even snakes, I highly recommend it: . They're located way, way, way out east--just kidding--20 miles east of Lee's Summit. Well worth the drive. Most everything there is very kid-friendly too. There is a special butterfly exhibit running right now that is really cool--you can walk through a greenhouse filled with butterflies. Katie loved the butterflies. She even posed as one.

The gardens themselves are very nice too (which are all outside, so go early or when it's not 100 out). Some are in the shade and some are not. And yes, I did mention snakes. There's a big lake and if you look close enough like I always do, you're bound to see snakes. I would post a snake pic, but Frankie would never look at my blog again.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Sometimes, Jennifer may think I'm mean, but I think I'm just funny.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Finally made up my mind

I finally made up my mind. It took 2 months (maybe more), but I did it. The second hardest thing I've ever done...the title. I say the second because I can't think of a first right now, but I know there's a long list of the hardest things I've ever done. Anyway, there it is...the title (it's that statement at the top of the page, for you non-bloggers).

So, about that title and this blog. "Stuff" is a reference to "everything" (which is a word I almost used instead of "stuff"). I have, at the least, a slight interest in just about "everything". And by "everything", I mean just the stuff I'm interested in--I could care less about the rest (see point 1 below). As time goes by and I post on this blog, you will notice that I have an interest in just about everything. Yes, I said that twice on purpose to drive that point home--I have an interest in just about everything. Three times now, so that someone couldn't later say something like "this guy just can't pick a topic and stick to it". Well, they can say that, but I already pointed it out so it doesn't count.

I have a couple things for you to look out for in future blog entries. The first is sarcasm and cynicism. Sometimes it's there, and sometimes not. Sometimes thick, and sometimes thin. Most times, you won't even be able to tell--which is the most likely scenario. I'm full of it, really, I am (and you can read that however you want).

The second is wit. I'll try, but I'm not good at it. So maybe there won't be much of that.

The third is likely to be something offensive. Not like, really offensive, but moderately offensive. Mostly, it would be something overlooked by me and not intentional. Like, "people who eat anchovies are stupid". Someone might find that offensive, but really, they're just stupid. What about the bones? Some even still have eyes.

The last thing (I'm sure I'll come up with more in a week or so) is grammer. You may see good grammar, and you may see bad grammer, and you may see good grammar and bad grammer at the same time. I have pretty good written grammar, but sometimes I mix it up for my grammetical friends.

Enjoy my blog about stuff (or everything) and come back often. Who knows, there may be something interesting tomorrow, or it could be just a rant about the mysterious "leak" under the urinal at work.