Every day is crazy
I've noticed that some bloggers out there (not thinking of anyone in particular, if you're feeling guilty) update their blogs everyday. Whaaa? I guess maybe "Wow, you go blogger!" is a better response. I hope no-one expects that from me. I'm sure it's something in the air in my house...
Jennifer, Katie and I went to Powell Gardens on Saturday. If you live in Kansas City and even remotely like plants, the outdoors, or even snakes, I highly recommend it: http://www.powellgardens.org/ . They're located way, way, way out east--just kidding--20 miles east of Lee's Summit. Well worth the drive. Most everything there is very kid-friendly too. There is a special butterfly exhibit running right now that is really cool--you can walk through a greenhouse filled with butterflies. Katie loved the butterflies. She even posed as one.

The gardens themselves are very nice too (which are all outside, so go early or when it's not 100 out). Some are in the shade and some are not. And yes, I did mention snakes. There's a big lake and if you look close enough like I always do, you're bound to see snakes. I would post a snake pic, but Frankie would never look at my blog again.
Jennifer, Katie and I went to Powell Gardens on Saturday. If you live in Kansas City and even remotely like plants, the outdoors, or even snakes, I highly recommend it: http://www.powellgardens.org/ . They're located way, way, way out east--just kidding--20 miles east of Lee's Summit. Well worth the drive. Most everything there is very kid-friendly too. There is a special butterfly exhibit running right now that is really cool--you can walk through a greenhouse filled with butterflies. Katie loved the butterflies. She even posed as one.

The gardens themselves are very nice too (which are all outside, so go early or when it's not 100 out). Some are in the shade and some are not. And yes, I did mention snakes. There's a big lake and if you look close enough like I always do, you're bound to see snakes. I would post a snake pic, but Frankie would never look at my blog again.

What, no link for your lovely wife? I'm sure you just 'forgot.'
Very nice photo of the stream.
Jennifer, at 8:55 AM
Thank you! :)
Jennifer, at 9:21 AM
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