It Works!
And it doesn't leak all over the floor. My motorcycle, that is. It's been down and out since sometime in early June (maybe even May--so long I'm not even sure when). Yes, I do have a motorcycle. I got it last November but didn't get it running until April. It had a minor gas leak that I fixed and then it had a bad gas leak in May or June and has sat in various states of repair since then. Now it's fixed and it doesn't leak and I'm giddy with anticipation. By the way, I've heard lots of bikers use the word "giddy". And I'm sure I've seen it used multiple times in all of those colorful t-shirts that you always see for Sturgis, like the one that says "If you can read this, then the bit..." Maybe that one's not a good example. Anyway, here's a picture of me and my bike--which is a Honda and not a Harley. It matches my car. I'm so 'not' a hardcore biker.

Don't I look hot on that bike? I had just finished working on it, so the bike was hot from running for a while and the sun was really bright, and hot. I was hot just sitting on it. Ohhh, you didn't think I meant "hot" did you? Ha, ha. That's the kind of humor you can expect from me. I thought it was funny. Now, if I could just find more of those decals for my car...

Don't I look hot on that bike? I had just finished working on it, so the bike was hot from running for a while and the sun was really bright, and hot. I was hot just sitting on it. Ohhh, you didn't think I meant "hot" did you? Ha, ha. That's the kind of humor you can expect from me. I thought it was funny. Now, if I could just find more of those decals for my car...
I had no idea you had a bike, or that you liked bikes! See, these blogs are great, I am learning new stuff about everyone all the time! Good job fixing your bike - must feel good to take that kind of pride in it. I just hope you have a helmet!
Anonymous, at 8:08 AM
I do have a hemlmet and I wear it every time I ride...just not for pictures.
Ben, at 8:25 AM
Did I take that picture? I don't remember taking it. Again, with the laughing.
Jennifer, at 11:18 AM
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