Which Way Did He Go George? Which Way Did He Go?
So I went away for a while? So what? I didn't really go away, I just went in another direction. Instead of blogging, I took up writing letters to long lost freinds and driving all over the place to visit with freinds and family I haven't seen in years (most of you know by now that the previous stament is a flat-out lie and that really I'm just lazy). Actually, I got frustrated every time I would post because I'm so picky that it took me forever to write even the shortest posting. Like now, I'm adding half of this paragraph after nearly finishing, and deleting half of what I nearly finished in the first place. Anyway, I figured that with the new year I should do something to celebrate. No, this is not a New Year's resolution...strictly speaking. I've been planning to get back to this for a while now. I ain't going to spend all my time frettin over grammer and likewise nonsents like spelling and just tipe out tha words(see, that was funny).
There were a couple of catalysts though for this post. One, the fact that Brad didn't even notice that I hadn't updated since 2006 was really beginning to bug me--not so much that it's been over a year since my last post, but that he must have been reading the same post over an over again. Two, my mother started a blog. EEEEEKKK! I've taken a step backwords in the technosociological advancement (new word I just made up, I think) of the modern era and fallen into the dark ages where people only talk on cell phones (without texting, mind you), all as my mom plows ahead into new and uncharted technological exploits (well, at least new and uncharted to her).
So, long story short: I'm back, I've removed the '06 Christmas list, and my mother has now been added to my links.
There were a couple of catalysts though for this post. One, the fact that Brad didn't even notice that I hadn't updated since 2006 was really beginning to bug me--not so much that it's been over a year since my last post, but that he must have been reading the same post over an over again. Two, my mother started a blog. EEEEEKKK! I've taken a step backwords in the technosociological advancement (new word I just made up, I think) of the modern era and fallen into the dark ages where people only talk on cell phones (without texting, mind you), all as my mom plows ahead into new and uncharted technological exploits (well, at least new and uncharted to her).
So, long story short: I'm back, I've removed the '06 Christmas list, and my mother has now been added to my links.
Welcome back, sir.
Shane, at 10:04 AM
Hey Ben, thanks for posting a comment on my Blog. I'm going to try and get back to KC sometime in February, hopefully I'll pick a good weekend for weather!
Crafty, at 5:20 PM
maybe i was just trying to get my name in your blog!
nice to have you back to the blogging world.
G2, at 7:33 AM
Nice to have you back Ben! We miss you at church!
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