
Saturday, March 08, 2008

New Orleans

I went to a conference/expo for work this week. As the title suggests, it was in New Orleans. The conference/expo was good, but that's not what I'm writing about (although I could probably go on and on about how much of the incredibly huge convention center the show took up). You'd think that after so long , the hotels would be somewhat back to normal, but the one I stayed in... ...was across the street from this office building under renovation. The hotel was actually pretty nice for a H.I. Express, considering it was a block from Bourbon Street. I didn't question the stains in the carpets--I just never walked around barefoot.

I did'nt see any of the Katrina devastation personally while I was there, but I was told it was still evident in other parts of town. I've never been to New Orleans before, so I don't know what it was like before Katrina. I do know that that the French Quarter is a pretty dirty place. It's the kind of place were the three-second-rule doesn't exist, where you wouldn't even think of sitting on a street curb (unless you were drunk), or you have to wash the sticky stuff off your hands every time you touch a door handle or a sign post or chair back. This may be related to the fact that most of the idea of behind the French Quarter is that it's no fun unless you've gotten drunk at one of the more than 50 bars in 10 square blocks or visited any of the numerous strip joints (where you also can get drunk). And I only saw one rat the 3 nights I was there. However, most of the food was great, so I supoose it's really not all that bad. I would maybe go back sometime, but not to visit the French Quarter (and I definitely won't be taking my daughter there until she's, like, 30--unlike the other parents I saw with small children).

Anyway, here's my favorite part. I had a sunny and warm day to myself and I spent the majority of it next to the Mississippi. I didn't get out of town to see more of the river like I had hoped, but it was still a good day. Especially when a teenager walked by and asked me "I have a really dump question. Is this the Mississippi River?" No joke. It was a dumb question.

And if you ever find that you're in the Dallas/Fort Worth airport terminal without your IPod, they've got you covered...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Title Goes Here

Every once in a while, I sit at my computer and think to myself "hey self, maybe it's time for another blog entry". And then I sit and stare at the computer for a bit and think about it some more. Then, I play some solitaire to get my mind working. Then I do some surfing or email checking (don't write any emails though, I'd have to think about that). All the time wondering what I should blog about, why I even try to blog, what does "42" really mean to me anyway (besides being the answer to life), and where's my blasted towel. And then, it's time for bed and a little light reading, and I'll try again another night.

Then I had an epiphany. If Seinfeld could do it and The Simpsons can still do it after 19 years, then I can too. So here's to Jerry and Bart: I've got nothing. Superb!

Well, I guess I did go to a model railroad show this weekend and came home with 22 coal cars. I suppose that's a bit more than nothing, but that's probably it. Maybe I'll have a picture of one of them next time...oooohhhh...or maybe all 22. Probably should check back to see if I really do it. (I know it's not really a cliff-hanger, but you'll probably come back anyway, right?)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Which Way Did He Go George? Which Way Did He Go?

So I went away for a while? So what? I didn't really go away, I just went in another direction. Instead of blogging, I took up writing letters to long lost freinds and driving all over the place to visit with freinds and family I haven't seen in years (most of you know by now that the previous stament is a flat-out lie and that really I'm just lazy). Actually, I got frustrated every time I would post because I'm so picky that it took me forever to write even the shortest posting. Like now, I'm adding half of this paragraph after nearly finishing, and deleting half of what I nearly finished in the first place. Anyway, I figured that with the new year I should do something to celebrate. No, this is not a New Year's resolution...strictly speaking. I've been planning to get back to this for a while now. I ain't going to spend all my time frettin over grammer and likewise nonsents like spelling and just tipe out tha words(see, that was funny).

There were a couple of catalysts though for this post. One, the fact that Brad didn't even notice that I hadn't updated since 2006 was really beginning to bug me--not so much that it's been over a year since my last post, but that he must have been reading the same post over an over again. Two, my mother started a blog. EEEEEKKK! I've taken a step backwords in the technosociological advancement (new word I just made up, I think) of the modern era and fallen into the dark ages where people only talk on cell phones (without texting, mind you), all as my mom plows ahead into new and uncharted technological exploits (well, at least new and uncharted to her).

So, long story short: I'm back, I've removed the '06 Christmas list, and my mother has now been added to my links.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The Annual List

So some of us still have a Christmas List. Big deal. Lists aren't just for kids you know. My mom still asks me for one, so I'm glad to do it. My wish list for this year is in the sidebar, right over there. No, over there. Most of you won't be getting me gifts (don't worry, no pressure), but it is intended mainly for family. Mainly. You could get me a gift if you really wanted to. I suppose it would be O.K. I certainly won't stop you. Or, you could just consider it a look into Ben's brain. Anyway, for the family, most of the listed items are only available on-line--sorry for the late notice. All the stuff at Solarbotics is really cool, so any of it would rock. There's still 9 shipping days (11 if you count Saturdays) 'til Christmas :)

This Has Been a Test of the Blogger Booting Service

Well, I've concluded my test. Blogger will not give you the boot for leaving your blog idle for 38 days. I figured it was best not to push my luck waiting to 40 days, so now I know how long I can really go in between posts (although it's not likely I'll wait that long again). Wait a minute. Is that what you really thought? I'm not that lazy. It was all a test. I am a scientist, you know.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Fun blog

I found a fun blog the other day. Actually, it found me via email. I'm a Sonic Cruiser--because I eat there a lot and thought it might occasionally save me a buck or two, which it has--and I get regular emails. One of the emails had a link to the Brian Blog: .The Brian Blog. It may not be the funniest blog I've seen, but it is pretty funny in it's own right. Who would have guessed that Brian is such a ladies man? You'd know that's a joke if you've read some of his blog entries. I'm sure it's all written by some ad agency writer and may be determined by some not a real blog, but that's what entertainment is all about anyway